Bill C-65: Workplace Harassment

Tabled legislation this time, which means there are absolutely public domain resources out there: Parliament, for one; as well as Ministerial announcements talking about the Bill in question, typically.

Pertinent Source Material
Bill C-65 (pdf link) – The bill as tabled on Parliament’s website.

Employment & Social Development Canada – The backgrounder on the initiative from the Ministry handling the file.

Federal Survey on Harassment in the Workplace – Previous public consultation report by Employment & Social Development Canada on the issue to which Bill C-65 was tabled.

Media Roundup
CBC – NO – No links whatsoever, only a pair of related stories.
CTV – YES – Inline links not only directly to Bill C-65 itself, but also a link to previous federal consultation efforts on the matter both inline, and specifically called out in a sidebar.
Macleans – NO – Not even related stories links, though this might be a format style.

CTV’s article is well done. From reading it, we get a link immediately to the Bill as tabled, and then later in the article we get a link to the background information (in the form of the previous Federal Survey) both inline when they talk about it, but also included in a “related links” sidebar separate from the typical related stories category you tend to find.

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